Speak Out 7/25/15

Saturday, July 25, 2015

'Make my

own rule'

I have been dismayed at the lack of moral compass in our society. We hear of situational ethics, which is no ethics at all. The "make my own rule" implies a self-centeredness and self-adulation. "Political correctness" is a term of insult to the true American. Since when do we need a politician telling us what is correct behavior? The term "situational ethics" implies that there is no absolute truth. The Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is in them has the authority to make rules governing the behavior of His Creation. Those rules do not have to be approved or accepted; they are true, absolute, and everlasting. Those rules made for their general well-bring bring peace, happiness, prosperity. The more people, by their free will, choose to break those rules, the most chaos in society.

"You were to Israel a forgiving God, though you punished their misdeeds." This principle stated in Psalms is still in force today.

There is always penalty for breaking the rules; sometimes immediately, sometimes later, sometimes, both. AIDS and STDs are examples of the former; I Corinthians 6:9-10 explain some of the latter. Truth is eternal and universal.

The fallacy of the cries of "rights" and "equality" are revealed when people throw tantrums to get their way and then demand everyone recognize and approve their behavior. (Is the lack of confidence in their rightness?) They deny the rights of everyone who disagree with them. Everyone loses when the rules are broken.


city codes

Clean. Clean. Clean. Mr. Clean. Here we go again. The City Council complaining about overgrown grass, bad rental property and all that. The guy been in code enforcement for 18 years. I want to ask one question. Just one question and one only. Sweet and to the point.

Where was this here code enforcement officer at when the building at city hall was caving in? You know they wrote over 3,000 tickets to citizens of Poplar Bluff who most of them can't afford the money and fines but they didn't fine themselves for the leaky building and the building caving in. I think that's awful hypocritical myself. And I think whoever that is who works for code enforcement, they ought to be fired immediately . . everyone of them. If they're working in a building themselves how can they justify going out and getting on a property owner or anybody else for something that's going on when it's happening in his own yard and own office building? So I think it's awful hypocritical.

Everything in this article about clean. That Absheer lady they ought to take her out and fire her too. Tinsley and all of them. We need a whole new city council up there. Now they're probably going to put one of the old ones back in so they'll be voted back they way they wanted and Doug Bagby will probably be the new city manager again. And then Massingham goes along with anything anybody wants. It oughta be done. Yeah, we oughta do it this way. You should have fixed city hall years ago and kept it up to date. Thank you. Think it about you citizens out there. Do you agree with me that they should have kept city hall or they should have fined the mayor and everybody in for letting it go down that way. Thank you.

Are ambulances privately owned?

I have question. Is the writer who was complaining about the ambulances at Broseley and at the post office certain that those ambulances are owned by the city or by the county? Or are they privately owned businesses? Thank you.