Letter to the Editor

Ozark Federal Credit Union Recovery event sponsor thanked

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

To the Editor:

The Blazing New Trails Conference that was held on July 13-14 at Fellowship General Baptist Church was a huge success! The DAR carried a more detailed article on the conference in the July 14th edition of the paper. The main reason for this success was God's presence in the room as he guided the decision making for the newly formed Coalition that will help unify services offered in the recovery community.

Unfortunately, another key role in the conference's success was not mentioned in the article. This error was not due to the DAR staff, but was mine. My sincerest apologies are extended to our Corporate Sponsor, as they were not mentioned in the previous article.

Ozark Federal Credit Union sponsored the conference. Their sponsorship offset a large part of the conference expenses. Their marketing director, Davine Conover, was also present at our event and shared with the attendees the services Ozark Federal Credit Union offered to its local communities. For attendees outside Ozark Federal Credit Union's reach, Mrs. Conover suggested they locate local credit unions in their home area, as they may have ways of helping as well. We want to sincerely thank Ozark Federal Credit Union for their sponsorship, support, and friendship. You all are a difference maker in our community!

Kelly Shearrer
