Speak Out 7/10/15

Friday, July 10, 2015

Run Schrieber

out of town

Yeah, I was just readin' in the DAR on Father's Day --Don Schrieber didn't solicit a story for Father's Day. I guess father's aren't important in Schrieber World. Of course on Mother's Day we go all out which I'm fine with that. We go all out for mothers, but on Father's Day there's no need for a story unless we just happen to stumble on to one and somebody sends one in on Father's Day. Otherwise fathers don't matter in Don World. You know they're not important. I understand how Don operates, you know, if somebody sends a story that we like we'll do it, but we're not doing a Father's Day story. Good grief!

Oh, and as far as the next person that needs to get run out of town in Poplar Bluff -- I would have put Don Schrieber and his rag of a newspaper. I got to put him number one on the list. Have a nice day.

PB needs

a dog park

Hello, Speak Out. I'm calling about (I've lived in Poplar Bluff for many years now) and I would like to see one of parks aren't utilized full-time in the daytime maybe one of them could be converted into a dog park -- an area where we could walk our animals and possbily exercise them. There are a lot of responsible pet owners in the Poplar Bluff area and they have no place to walk their animals that is designated for animals. They have a lot of areas designated for other things but there are several parks in the area wouldn't take much land to designate at all and the city could put in a dog park for responsible pet owners. Just speaking my mind and it's something for the city to think about.

City trying to

silence DAR

Well, Speak Out, it's on the front page. City Council ashamed of the goings on up there so now they're trying to put a zipper on the DAR and anybody else that might learn a little something about the nefarious doings of the City Council. They sure are sensitive. If they weren't ashamed of what went on, they wouldn't have done this -- this restraining order -- order of protection -- whatever you want to call it. I'd say the business with the actions of the City Council is something the DAR is really gonna have to set on from now on out because, obviously, these people aren't to be relied on. Keep up the good work, Don.

Police need

to patrol more

With all the talk about needing a new police station in Poplar Bluff, maybe if the police would patrol, do a little more traffic control things would be a lot better and safer in Poplar Bluff and they would have enough money from speeding and illegal parking to build a new police station. They need to patrol places like PP Hwy. and Barron Rd. for speeders and they need to check the fire lanes and the shopping centers for illegal parking. All of this could add up to a lot of money for our police dept. and even a new station. Thank you.