Speak Out 7/2/15

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Who ranked

PB no. 39?

I was just reading today's paper "Best Towns to Raise a Family In," Poplar Bluff come in 39th out of 50? I can't believe the people that wrote that were either bought by Mr. Kaplan's people from Texas, you know when he was here because Poplar Bluff used to be a good town and I would say the number one place to live in when I was growing up, but here lately with all the drugs, crime and everything else that's going on and kids getting killed, overdoses and everything else, I don't buy that. I don't know who got 'em to put that in there at 39 but I would raise it a lot higher than 39. Somewhere up around 200 or something best place to live. Thank you.

Please trim

your bushes

I don't know who owns the property on the corner of Barron Rd. and Perkins Rd., but could you please trim your bushes back because you have to pull all the way out into Barron Rd. to see around your bushes. Although I know it is quite lovely, I think it is also a safety hazard. Thank you very much. Good-bye.


spray erratic

Is there anything you can do about the plane that flies over and puts fertilizer and weedkiller on the crops? I have no dryer so I have to hang out my clothes on the line. He flies over and starts in spraying before he gets to the field. I am then stuck with towels that have that stuff on them and I have to rewash everything which is costing me a lot and isn't there someway that they can let people know that they are coming over? Or just go back to the old-fashioned way where the tractor spreads it so it don't spray all over the place. It's not good for my grandchildren when they are outside and it's just a big mess. It is very dangerous for everybody.

Please put this in Speak Out and maybe someone can have some kind of ideas about what people like me can do. I thank you so much for listening to me. And please, like I said, put it in the paper. Maybe somebody's got some idea. Thank you so much.

Erasing more

of our history

Hello, Speak Out. It's such a shame that the knee-jerk reaction is to try to erase history a flag that a lot of American men fought under. The Civil War was just like all wars. It was about money and power. The War of Independence --the Revolutionary War--was because the rich guys didn't like paying taxes on the products they were importing and selling to their fellow colonists. The Civil War was about what was considered "competition" from the people in the North who were paying out wages primarily to Caucasian, more or less, immigrants as well as the descendents who were working in factories for a wage and there was a lot of jealousy. If you read the history, in many instances, the black folks had a better living than the free white in the North working for the sweat shop owners. But, it was about money! Most of the men that were fighting for the South weren't wealthy enough to own slaves. A poor man couldn't afford to own a slave, but that flag represents their new country.

It's a shame that a person with a mental abberation and a lot of hate in his heart and they call it radicalized. It's not radicalized. It's just plain brainwash and stupid!

So another symbol of American history that represented a lot of brave men who were just fightin' to keep their country alive and their way of life alive is gonna go by the wayside because of a knee-jerk reaction over something an idiot did!