Speak Out 6/20/15

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Bring back

channel guide

I'm not happy with New Wave either. Why can't we have a channel guide? I know it is all reruns but at least we could tell when Gunsmoke or whatever was coming on. This New Wave is like they are punishing the customer instead of making him happy. I will wait a little while longer. If guides don't come back on, I am going to switch. Thank you.

Push guide

on remote

Hello, Speak Out. I am calling again about New Wave. The people are fussing about there's no channel guide. If you would look at your remote and find the word, "Guide," on it all you have to do is push that button or call New Wave and be nice and they will talk you through it. Thank you.

Brick's work

is appreciated

I just want to thank all the public service people that worked at Brick's over the weekend to make sure everything was safe and stuff like that. Even though they had some accidents --you know stuff is gonna happen--I would like to thank Butler County Sheriff's Dept. and the Missouri Highway Patrol for doing everything they can do. I think it's a good thing for them to set up check points for drunk driving. That's all I have to say.