Speak Out 5/21/15

Thursday, May 21, 2015

God bless an

honest person

I'd like to thank the man that found the black and white purse in the Walmart parking lot on Saturday, May 2nd. The gentleman turned it in to the service desk and didn't leave his name. I had $600 in cash, credit cards, driver's license and phone in it and they were all untouched. God bless you so much. Thank you.


price rationale

Why is it the price of a gallon of gasoline can increase 35 cents over a 10 day period, people pay it. Yet when we ask for a two cent increase in the price of a gallon of gasoline - two cent tax-- gasoline tax - to repaid our crumbling bridges and roads, it gets voted down? C'mon, people, wake up! Thank you.

The DAR's best

headline ever

Best headline ever! Wednesday, May 13th--"Word on the Street--Kaplan's Out!" Hope PB can recover from him.

A salute to

Dr. Samuel

Dr. Samuel has been serving Ripley County for several years. I am not sure how long, but he has supplied jobs and health service to our community. Recently he became ill and his work load was distributed among many doctors. I would like the newspaper to give him a salute (as was done for Dr. Leroux) when he retired. Thank you, Dr. Samuel, for your years of hard work. Best wishes and prayers to your family.