Speak Out 2/25/15

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Is this the

wild west?

Recent events have proven that it is legal for cops to kill unarmed civilians. Now it appears that it is legal for street department employees to shoot and attempt to kill unarmed people. What are the police and judges thinking? Why is this clown out of jail? I hope that I don't make the dog catcher mad; he can probably shoot unarmed people also. What is this, the wild west?


for Speak Out

There has been a lot of discussion of late about Speak Out. I have a solution for those of you who do not like it.......JUST DON'T READ IT. It really is that simple. I don't believe Amendment 1 specifies whether or not people have to sign their name.

Solution for

higher ed costs

A taxpayer feasible solution to the soaring cost of higher education does exist. One costing billions less than community college scholarships President Obama is proposing. Supervised testing centers for free online college courses, such as Coursera.org and Edx.org have, would legitamatize these courses making them verifiable college credit.

Knowledge is hoarded by expensive universities. Higher education should be free (as many industrial countries realize) and testing centers for online courses are feasible. Everyone would have the best professors. At some point they could operate 24 hours a day and be located all over the place. Testing centers wouldn't even need Teaching Assistants, only monitors.

Education spending is not money leaving the economy, such as over half the U.S. federal budget that goes to our massive military. (There's no return on an F-35 fighter jet.) We're spending more than the next 14 countries combined. How much will cowering from fighting ignorance cost us down the road when we could have an educated workforce now. The approximate 27 billion CIA budget (1998, budget 2001 undisclosed), didn't stop 9/11, even with the hijackers being monitored and Egyptian Intelligence warning us. Knowledge is light and superstition is darkness we should have overcome by now.

It's illegal


When did the city council pass a law in Poplar Bluff allowing gambling. These video machines are all over town where the owners pay out large sums of money. This is illegal and causing divorces. Something needs to be done


do something!

What is up with these video gaming machines all over town. They are destroying families. Someone must be getting paid off because they are against the law!!! Someone do something.