Speak Out 2/19/15

Thursday, February 19, 2015


civics teacher

Speakout, you know the articles in the DAR the past few weeks and the news on the television, especially the state of the union address, brings to mind, years ago, a civics teacher at Poplar Bluff High School by the name of Rosco Pridy, and he said you really have to pay attention to politicians because they speak in glittering generalities. Get that now. Glittering generalities. They lie by telling half-truths. Mr. Pridy was a really smart man and he was very much aware of how the political system works.

Turning blind

eye to crime

I saw on the news where Poplar Bluff is number seven ranked in Missouri's most dangerous cities. Really? That is not a number we can be proud of at all. I saw on Facebook the other day where this family was moving into a new house here in Poplar Bluff. They had just bought a new couch and were having it delivered to the new house and somebody turned right around and stole it from them. Now you know that somebody had to have seen somebody carrying off new furniture. And the only thing they had to steal in the house was new furniture. That's what's wrong with Poplar Bluff. Nobody wants to tattle. "Oh, it's terrible to be a snitch!" Well, when you see a large sectional being taken down the street in the middle of the night, you can pretty much figure, "Hmm, I bet American Superstores and Hefner's is closed. Where could they have gotten that? It's probably stolen." That's what's wrong with this town. People are turning a blind eye to outright crime. And, it will never get better until people will start having some guts or we get an anonymous tipline where we can call it in to our police.

Qulin, beware

of fake doctor

People living in the Qulin area beware of someone claiming to be a doctor. A man said he was a doctor and he wanted to come to our house and check out my husband who is elderly but in good health. He said he was from Humana Insurance and this was something new. But, I know doctors don't go to people's houses ever, even when they're sick.

Neither will

repay debt

It would appear that Councilman Peter Tinsley has decided that there should be no charges brought against his apparent political advisor, Brian Becker, and his debt should not be paid, just as Peter has not paid his debt.

Obama needs

to visit PB

I want to Speak out about what the President of the United States has been talking about. He's always talking about helping the middle class people. The ones who make from $80,000 to $100,000 a year. But what bugs me, he never mentions a thing about the people out here working for the minimum wage of $7 and a quarter. That has never been mentioned. What's wrong is the president who's never done a day of work in his life needs to come down to Butler county for a little while and see how he likes living for $7 and a quarter an hour. The president, we need to get him out real fast too.

Get Kaplan

a violin

Somebody buy Kaplan a violin!!! I'm tired of having to play while he weeps.

Funerals...parades...Coliseum...sniff. He just doesn't have a friend involved in them, the weasel.