Speak Out 2/8/15

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Give the new

hospital chance

I had to go to the new Poplar Bluff hospital this morning to get an MRI. I think the people in that hospital were very professional. They do a good job. They're really nice, and I think that people in Poplar Bluff need to give our new hospital a chance. Because, if we don't, we might not have a hospital. Speak Out, could you please, please, please print this?

The poor suffer

I can see that things haven't changed. Every year they increase the budget and the only people who benefit are the city employees who get a big, fat raise. And, the poor people all suffer. Thank you.

Creating debt

I totally agree with Wednesday's Speak Out, "Ashamed of City Government." Please get rid of Kaplan. He is burying us in debt we will never get out of. Ship him back to where the big money is. It's sure not here.

Didn't Kaplan check out town?

Hi, Speak Out. I've been doing some thinking. Why didn't Mr. Kaplan hire a consultant to come check out Poplar Bluff before he came here? He hires a consultant for everything else - from Michigan. I guess the world's much better in Michigan, but why didn't he hire a consultant to check out Poplar Bluff? Maybe his consultant put the wrong Poplar Bluff. Maybe he went to Poplar Bluff, Michigan. I wonder if there is one? Thanks, Speak Out. Love ya!

Shelter needs new hours

I'm calling about the Poplar Bluff Animal Shelter Pet of the Week. The hours that the shelter is open, to me, are not convenient for people that work and want to adopt a pet. If they don't think it would work, then why don't they take one of their days during the week and shut down then and stay open on Saturday. Try it for a month or two, and if nobody shows up to adopt a pet on a Saturday, then go back to your Monday through Friday because nobody wants to adopt pets. But, I think you need to give people a chance and at least let them come in on a Saturday and look around. Thank you.