Speak Out 12/1/14

Monday, December 1, 2014


wake up!

This is in response to the "Conspiracy" in the Sunday's paper. This is not a conspiracy against the President. I think it's a conspiracy against the American people. America wake up! This is all done to get our minds off of what's going on in politics and what going on in the Middle East. I think the President's agenda is to get the American people so concentrated on Ebola, Unsecured borders and letting Illegal's flood our country, that we will forget about what's really going on in our country and the world. This mind set is to give the Radical Islamic time to take more and more countries so they will be strong enough to take over America. They won't have to fight for it. They will be able to jump the fence and be in the White House just like they bragged they will do. It's time to wake up and face the real problem. Politics has become so corrupt that so many people don't even want to vote any more. But it's time to know your candidate and not just your party. This election is important we must make a difference. Just dig out some of those WW II movies with documents and see how they thought they could conquer the world. The governments were taking advantage of the poor and uninformed. Remember History does repeat itself America Wake Up!

He already

knew answer

Well, Speak Out, I guess Mr. Kaplan in his statement he didn't gain anything from the survey because he already knew what public opinion was proves that he really didn't need the survey because the survey would not have made a difference in any decision that he made because he knew already how people felt about wanting their money to be spent locally. I can relate to that.