Speak Out 11/6/14

Thursday, November 6, 2014

How do you get in Speak Out?

Yes. I'm a taxpaying citizen in Poplar Bluff. I have tried to get stuff put in Speak Out for like . . . a long time and I never get none of my stuff written in Speak Out. I would like to know why I don't get it in there or what do you got to do to get it put in there? Thank you very much. I read your paper every day. Thank you.

Actions louder

than words

Yes. I don't live in Poplar Bluff but I do believe there is an old adage that the new mayor, Miss Pearson, and the city council, need to think about and that is: you know she said Oh, I'm for Poplar Bluff. I'm for Poplar Bluff, Ohhhh, I'm for Poplar Bluff. Well, maybe she needs to be reminded that "actions speak louder than words." And, I don't even live in Poplar Bluff. Don't even live in Butler County, but I think it's a shame that all the Butler County tax money is going out of Poplar Bluff and from reading the Sunday paper today I think Poplar Bluff will be broke before very long. I don't get it. Why hire someone from Timbuktu when you have people in Poplar Bluff that are certified and can do a good job. She seems like she really has a big axe to grind, but she might be like the president it may all fall down around her. She needs to remember "actions speak louder than words!" Thank you.

It's gonna be

a bumpy ride

Well, Poplar Bluff, did you read this Sunday's paper--the 2nd of November? Yeah, the DAR has it right! Sadly, this small community of ours was once know as the "biggest whorehouse between Memphis and St. Louis," and apparently it seems that this new city manager is going to "Californicate" the budget for our community as well. It's time now, Poplar Bluff, to let your voices be heard before we end up like many small communities out in California and end up with a big bankruptcy sign hanging out at the city limits and remember that tax bills are coming. Just where do you think that they are going to get all of the money for the new city hall and all of this other wonderful spending this young buck is doing? That's right, Poplar Bluff, hang on to your wallet! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!