Speak Out 9/26/14

Friday, September 26, 2014

Uniforms for PD bike patrol

Can't help but wonder if the PBPD has bought Spandex to wear while riding/working with the City Managers new proposed PBPD Bike Patrol? They'll look good in fluorescent neon green (for visibility). Just asking . . .

Child concern?

Not really

I was recently in Child Concern Center and can say they don't live up to their name. It is a shame when adults can bold facely turn away a child in need.

Here's what I witnessed. A gentlemen came in with a young girl asking for some clothes as her grandfather and guardian had just passed. They had temporary custody of the child but had no clothes to send her to school. All she had was the clothes on her back. These ladies coldly turned them away with no hesitation while at the same time clothes were being pulled from the racks and carried out to the dumpster in a large trash can. An older lady on the other hand was not only putting clothes aside for other people but was stockpiling them for her little pooch. That's right! Her dog!

Now granted people often cry wolf saying they need help just so they don't have to pay for things, that I am fully aware of. But it's the tact of this so called "Child Concern" that is not only in question. It's hypocritical. They showed no concern and was very harsh with the people.

I can remember when Child Concern first opened and was all about helping people. Now all they do is pack the goods into their arms while treating the public harshly. Maybe that harshness is their conscious perhaps. Shame on these ladies.

I do hope you print this so the public is made aware of how things they donate are being distributed to the needy at the "Child Concern." The name needs changed for sure.

I'm making my donations where they truly help people and am advising family and friends to do likewise.

City should

collect debt

According to a previous article that was in the paper, Brian Becker's father owns 30 percent of Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc. I don't think the city should give up trying to collect those $200,000 owed to the city.

Who's the

real moron?

This is for the idiot that mentioned that comment about his paper carrier. No, I don't think your carrier was a drunk or a moron, but I sure think the person he delivered it to was. Thank you.

No delivery

from moron

This is to the person who thinks his paper carrier is either a moron or a drunk. Next time why don't you give us your route number or the name of your carrier is and maybe your drunken moron carrier can just skip your paper altogether.

Good people

trying hard

Yes, I'm calling in reference to Speak Out Friday about the paper carrier being a moron. I'd like to make a little statement to whoever sent that in. First of all what route is that on because it might be mine. If it is, I apologize, but you've got some good hard working people out there overworked and underpaid paper carriers trying to do the best they can to keep their clients happy. But I appreciate you puttin' in there, you know, that we're all morons or drunks, so that's really appreciative. We appreciate that. Thank you.

Church bells

are beautiful

I would just like to comment on the bells ringing up here at the church. I tell you that is beautiful. Keep it up. We enjoy hearing the church bells. Thank you.