Speak Out 8/18/14

Monday, August 18, 2014


Israel but...

Isn't it strange how the U. S. can immediately condemn Israel for the attacks against Hamas and they are totally silent for the growing genocide within Iraq. Does no one find it odd that all of these nations so willing to condemn Israel are abjectly silent on the matter within Iran. The killing of Christians and other Muslims tribe that don't align themselves with ISIS. Does no one actually find that strange? And, isn't it about time we just kick the United Nations out of America for good? Since they no longer stand for good. One truly wonders what this world is coming to?

Does anything ring of apocalypse yet? I'm starting to wonder.

List phones

of candidates

Every day in the paper there are these political candidates. Why is there never a telephone number or an email address for anyone who wishes to ask a question on a particular subject to learn the candidates