Speak Out 8/13/14

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


is still alive

It's bad enough that nearly all of the media here in America is condemning Israel's retaliation against rocket attacks by Hamas. Everyone has been seeing the headlines "Israel Killed 10 Today" on an attack the United States found disgusting on a U. N. Security or school position within Gaza. Yet no one and I mean no one in the media is admonishing Hamas by saying Hamas having positioned missiles right near the U.N's schools launching attacks and then running from the area is goading the attacks by Israel. Strange, isn't it? We can see in some of the actual media coming out of Gaza the schools because they are painted blue with missile plumes rising out of the streets close to these locations: hospitals, schools, housing projects -all the streaks of light streaming into Israel and yet not one has the lead "Hamas Fires Missiles Israel Retaliates." No, it's "Israel Kills 10," "Israel Kills 16." Yes, people, anti-Semitic beliefs are alive and well in the world and it's sad. Remember, there was one time when Israel was one of greatest allies until this President who has no global policy has made them otherwise. It's a sad time in world affairs. Do you really love the hope and change this President is leaving the globe with? I don't think so.

Time for local


Hello, Speak Out. Do you know that the only tax in the United States that is based on ability to pay is the payroll tax. Your income tax. Your FICA and so on. Directly based on percentage of income. All other taxes are arbitrary regardless of your ability to pay. We've nearly reached a 10 percent sales tax in some areas of Poplar Bluff. That means a $100 item now costs you $110. We have Republican representation in Washington doing their best to reduce taxes. We have Republican representation locally doing their best to raise taxes. So perhaps we should vote Democrat locally, Republican nationally. What do you think, folks?

Hope that

excuse works

Okay, DAR, what's your excuse now for not printing the results of the Ozark Border voting? C'mon, what's your excuse? Let's hear another one. You need to talk to my drill sergeant. He would say, "Okay, Manure-head, what's it gonna be excuses over results the rest of your life?" C'mon, DAR, let's hear another one.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The voting occurred Saturday. The results were printed Monday on Page 1. Hope that excuse works for you.)

Give police

better cars

Well, as all things in our fine city of Poplar Bluff we see many changes that are starting to occur within the departments within our city and one of the saddest I think is seeing our police officers driving around in a stealth police cruiser. Yeah, what I'm talking about is them having to use that beat up old Ford Ranger that the city used to use as a mosquito spraying truck. I don't know if this is a cognitive move to save money by our police department, but c'mon, people, we could afford cruisers with the taxes we're paying in this town. So, c'mon, Poplar Bluff, put our police officers back decent equipment that could run down a criminal if they had to. My God! Used pickup trucks? What's next? Are we going to be having the city driving around in horses and wagons when they need to work on the power lines or cleaning our streets? Yeah, you get where I'm comin' from. I'm upset to see it. So Poplar Bluff, you need a little more pride than that. Wake up, people. The public is watching.

Loved the

noon chimes

I loved the "God Bless America" chimes at noon Saturday Aug. 2nd. They seemed like the sounded all over town. Keep up the good work.