Speak Out 8/12/14

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Greedy people

Many will have to admit that many of the programs we currently view on television are less than well food for feeding the mind and more intent on destroying the few functioning neurons most people still have, but there's one program that is deeply disturbing and it's this: Extreme Couponing. Mind you this is just simply my opinion, but that looks like a mental condition OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) connected with hoarding and worse yet it's tied to collecting masses of coupons and then hoarding the items that they can purchase with it. Are there really that many greedy people on this planet? To rake in thousands and thousands of dollars in their coupon hunting expertise and then actually cause many stores to then turn and limit the coupon access by others. I really want to understand the reasoning behind this. Oh, yes, they're saving thousands of dollars by coupons, but who's putting this show on? Well, simply look at the sponsors and you'll know: Proctor & Gamble, Colgate, Gator Ade. I mean any food product that they could stick a coupon on or find in a grocery or clothing store it really makes you just wonder. Are we that much of a fool to be suckered into believing that everyone can do this? I don't think so. But then again television as of late is more like stepping into a cess pool than into something educational. But then again it's been that way since television came about.

If city loses, will council resign?

I am curious to know if the City loses its case against Mr. Bagby, and has to pay the contract. Will the council members that voted for his termination resign?

Begging, taxes

It's Saturday morning. So far I've seen three bits on TV about stuff and buses because people with kids can't afford paper and pencils. And I've seen two spots on television encouraging increases in taxes.

If you don't raise taxes does that mean people with kids won't have to beg for school supplies? It's just a thought. Could it be that the tax drain on the economy is why so many people are having to beg for school supplies? It's just a thought. Folks, how about some input?