Letter to the Editor

Butler County fair board needs help

Monday, August 11, 2014

Letter to the Editor:

2014 is the 18th year of the Butler County Fair. Hats off to the dedicated board members, volunteers, and sponsors who have provided countless man hours and financial support to bring this event to our community. Past year's events have included Barrel Bash, demolition derby, tractor pull, truck pull, horse judging, lawn mower racing, children's activities, dog show, yard sale, and a carnival. The event our office is most involved with is the Home Ec, Agriculture, Horticulture, 4-H, and Youth entries and exhibits which will be held September 10-12, 2014 at the Black River Coliseum. Stop by the University of Missouri Extension Center - 222 N. Broadway Street, view on our website: extension.missouri.edu\butler, or call 573-686-8064 for information on entries including entry times.

For the continued success and future of the Butler County Fair, volunteers and board members are needed. If you have an interest in serving on the Butler County Fair Board or would like to volunteer for specific events please attend the next Fair Board meeting on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at the University of Missouri Extension Center at 222 North Broadway, Poplar Bluff or call our office at 573-686-8064.

Chris Waite

Office Manager, Butler County University of

Missouri Extension

Past Fair Board
