Speak Out 7/26/14

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Health dept.

needs to act

Yes. I'm calling about the Farmer's Market. I was there Saturday and it was "okay." But when they were serving the tea and they were cutting up their fruit they were not wearing no gloves and I would think the Health Dept. would be on them to be sanitizing for no health problems. That's why I did not buy tea because of the germs because they weren't washing their hands or the utensils they were using so I will not visit the Farmer's Market especially buying products that they are serving cause they are not wearing any gloves whatsoever! And I would think the Health Dept. would be investigating that.

We don't need

guns in schools

I was reading in the paper today where the governor vetoes that gun law in schools. Well, I think that's a good deal! They don't need guns in schools. If you want to do anything put metal detectors in the doors so when you go through with any kind of metal on ya the metal detectors will pick it up and sound the alarm. Have two teachers standing there so when they come in they get 'em then! We don't need guns in schools! You put metal detectors in the doors. Thank you for putting this in Speak Out.

Brian Becker

needs to pay up

If Brian Becker would pay what he owed the city, maybe we could pave streets or pay the laborers that he was so concerned about on his blog.

Peter and Brian both work with you, what example are you setting? Shame on you.

Bring back

the TV guide

Please get the TV guide back in the papers on Friday.