Speak Out 7/14/14

Monday, July 14, 2014

Still good

people in US

I'm calling about an incident Sunday night, May 25th, on Highway 51 in Fisk my dog was run over and killed. A young man stopped to tell me. He was not the man that ran over the dog, but he stopped and he came to the door and told me and then he buried my dog for me. I was too upset to get his name, but I really want to thank him and I am so glad we still have wonderful good people in America.

Spit out the

sour grapes

Your displeasure with the new city government is pretty obvious from the messages you choose to put in the Speak Out column. Perhaps it's time to for you guys to spit out the sour grapes, put on your big boy pants and start working for the constructive good of the city because it is what it is.

God bless for saving dog

I would just like to say thank you so much to the young couple who stopped their truck on Westwood Blvd. When they saw the little Rottweiler jump out of the window of the car. They saved her life and I just want to thank them so very much. God bless them and just God bless them.