Speak Out 7/4/14

Friday, July 4, 2014

Office counts

This citizen shows up for council. You know all that name calling that is just absolutely sickening. I thought Poplar Bluff was above that! But apparently whoever this is calling people Pesky Pearson, Mimi Johnson, Tricky Tinsley and Mama's Boy Rushin and Baboon Brannum-- that is absolutely childish! No wonder you're not on the council. You're too childish. You belong in the first and second grade. A child in the second grade has more sense than that. Name hurt my mother always said, but the thing about it is you get up and put something in the paper like that and call people names and then not use your own name--stupid whoever you are--stupid! That's what you are. Plain ignorant, ignoramus! That's my opinion of someone who would call other names like that. I would never call anybody that, but in the case here to talk about five council members that way or talk about the President of the United States that way --the office is what counts. It's not who's in it. You show respect for the officeholder. The governor, the President of the United States, a senator --you should respect his/her position, his office. You don't call him/her names like that and act like a baboon yourself. It's absolutely disgraceful to do that stuff! Sling mud all you want, but it will all wind up back smacking you in the face. Of course, you're not putting your name or who you are, are you? But everybody knows who I am cause I write to the DAR all the time. Thank you.