Speak Out 6/27/14

Friday, June 27, 2014

Keep eyes

on the council

In many of the recent Speak Outs about the shake up in our City Council and the like, many people are alluding to the fact that our newly elected are somehow going around the Sunshine Law when it comes to the openness that people demand from city government. Well, I'll say this. It's very easy for them due to the new technologies such as Smart Phones with cameras and all of that. Makes it very easy for a couple to be here at a local restaurant or a couple there at home and a couple somewhere else to link together in group calls using today's technology and, mind you, that's a very easy thing to do now. I mean years ago you tried to do group call with a land line -- nearly impossible! But like I said, if it isn't the idea of breaking the actual law they're such trying to break the spirit of the law, so yes, we the public, will keep an eye on these actions. We demand more of government and sadly we're getting less of it. Remember, you may have been recently voted in; you can also be voted out. Remember that guys. We're keeping an eye on ya. Keep it above board. Keep it honest. That's all the citizenry wants, you know. No more hanky-panky. We had enough of that in the past!