Speak Out 6/21/14

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Get 'er done

[mail] My mom and step-dad live on Oak Grove Road. They said they are paying taxes to extend Shelby Road. This extra 1% is enforced now. When is the city going to extend Shelby Road? I live on 142 Highway and go to Three Rivers College. It will benefit many people that have to drive from 53 Highway or anywhere south to the north end. If they are paying taxes for this improvement it should get done now. Thank you.

Unhappy reader

[website] I find the editorial cartoon of 4 June quite offensive and obscene. I also see it as bullying and a gross abuse of the first amendment. You could have made the same statement with an ostrich burying it's head in the sand, rather than what you showed. I understand you do not care for the current political leadership in the Bluff. But use clean and accurate depictions. Keep up that kind of trash and I'll find my news elsewhere. I promise.

Let it go,

move on

[mail] I am tired of all the negativity about the new city council. Whether it is someone who is a friend of the previous council members that were voted out or if they did not get the one you voted for back in, let it go and let's let the new members of the council do their job. THE GUARD HAS CHANGED!!! The citizens of Poplar Bluff wanted a change, so they voted for some new people and I would like to see them given a chance to do their job. If they fail, there will be another election down the road and they can be replaced if he people vote to replace them. I know they have new ideas, but so far they have had nothing but criticism from a few sore losers. New people have different ways of doing things and we would all be very unhappy if they were to keep running the city the way it has been run the last few years. As I said before, let's given them a chance. Hopefully we will be pleased with the results.

Keep Channel 2

I'm not sure if New Wave --the new cable company--is going to keep the Comedy channel or not, but I'm sure it's necessary for them to as long as we have Channel Two and get to watch the city council meetings.

Fix library

parking lot

Now that they city is getting all that money from the library maybe the city will fix their parking lot so the library patrons will have a place to park. Thank you.

Keep on truckin'

I just want to say how much I support the SEMO Drug Crime Task Force and I'm so glad they're taking their turn over here in Poplar Bluff. There are so many young people that are overdosing in this area. It boggles my mind how they have access to these drugs, but I think the message I'm getting from this Task Force is that they're gonna kick all the dopers, all the dealers that they can possibly get out of Southeast Missouri. You can just keep on truckin' down the road. I think that when you have been renting houses in neighborhoods. When you have them openly making nice neighborhoods drug-dealing neighborhoods when you have them stealing like daytime burglaries because they'd got nothing left to lose. I'd like to see some of these pawn shops that get these regular customers that have all these different things I'd like to see them steppin' up their game. I realize that this will cut into their profit margin but I'm sure when you have to return stolen property that really cuts into your profit margins too plus the hassle. I'd just like to see every drug addict in Poplar Bluff find a different state to live in. Thank you.

New direction?

I'm appalled at the DAR . You know you do a good job of protecting them Republicans in town and bragging about how good they are. How great the late Ronald Reagan was and stuff like that, but I'm appalled at the cartoon you got of the ostrich in your paper. My little eight-year-old granddaughter and all my grandkids I encourage them to read the paper. I said you'll learn to read and you'll know a lot of interesting things, but to hear my little nine-year-old grandson laughing and giggling when he was reading the paper and I went in there to find out why and he said, "Grandpa, this bird is eatin' its own poop out of its rear end!" And I looked. I didn't believe what he was saying, but I looked and I seen it and whoever drew that you need to take and get those pictures off the AP because you put your print in there for little kids to see and read is wrong! Stay with the stupid ones you pick from the AP. Don't try to make your own. You are not good at it! I love your paper and I just re-subscribed for another three months, but this is over the limit! It's just wrong! New direction? You need to make a new direction, DAR, cause this time you were wrong. Just put in there about the city council in a figure like that is uncalled for. Bye.

No waiting,

just 55 days

[website] Dear Speak out,

I read with great interest the Wednesday's article about "Zero patient waiting at local VA hospital". Reading the article reminded me that it was time to make my every six-month primary care appointment. When I called for an appointment with my primary care nurse practitioner, (the VA has very few doctors in primary care) the earliest appointment I could get was 55 days from now. Is this what Angela Smith calls "zero patients waiting for primary care"? Signed: A Viet-Nam Vet.