Speak Out 6/11/14

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Revenge for

pet dumping

This goes out to all the cold heartless people who continually dump and abandon animals at various business, county roads, highway center medians, and people's homes. You should be ashamed of yourself. You should never ever be allowed to own an animal, ever! But do remember, Karma is a very ugly real thing and you will get yours, one way or the other. And to the local vets, shame on you for not caring more and helping people more who cannot afford vet care or who cannot afford to get their animals fixed. If you would allow payment plans, lower costs, etc there probably wouldn't be so many dumped animals!


in city govt.?

Okay, so Dr. Ken McVey is going to be on the search committee to find a new city manager. Doesn't Mr. Brannum and his wife vacation a couple of times a year with the McVey's? Staying at their condo in Florida and taking cruises with them? Transparency? Who's influencing who? Oh, never mind, neither one of them live in the condo subdivision around the golf course so everything should be on the up and up. Transparency?

Signed Harper Valley PTA.


blame game

I was reading the Speak Out, but City Council vacations and plans and going to Thailand and all that stuff. Some people are just plum ignorant up there. We know the City Council ain't going to Thailand and whoever wrote that --the only thing I can think is there are some sad, sad losers in this Butler County, but the Republicans they do that every time they lose a race from the City Council or the county or the state or the federal government whatever. The only time they don't complain is when they steal an election like they did from Al Gore but they been crying ever since. Anything comes down it's Obama's fault. Obama is the one that caused 370 plane go down. If anybody is gonna vacation in Hawaii or Thailand it will be the Republican Party on a junket or expense.

Cleaning up

Detroit & PB

I heard on the news where it's gonna take $850 million to clean up Detroit. It'll probably take that much here in Poplar Bluff as the last City Council did nothing. Thank you.

Lots of rats

bailing ship

From what we are seeing this Friday end of May a definite sign that the Democratic Party is actually starting to crumble and fall apart or just a Presidency that's starting to really unravel. The VA Secretary resigns. Jay Carney, the President's press secretary, resigns. And all not only because of the scandal at the VA but because of the convened special investigative branch that's formed to investigate Benghazi. Now remember Jay Carney was one of the drumbeaters that kept up the lie about that movie being the reason for those murders in Benghazi. So strange how everybody's bailing ship before this group in Congress bears fruit in their investigation, now isn't it? But you see if you are no longer in office you are John Q. Citizen and are truly not compelled to testify before Congress. I mean really! Just one more thought you get from the progressive Democratic Party. You lovin' it yet? Or is this really the hope and change you all thought you were going to bring about?