Speak Out 5/19/14

Monday, May 19, 2014

Get a new flag

If they're gonna fly a state flag at the public library, they need to get a new one. That one is tore and you should never fly a torn flag of any kind. Thank you.

Bar more

than one

You know I don't condone that Sterling and the LA Clippers if he really said that and they prove that he said it. I don't condone. In fact, I loathe it. It's just wrong. But anybody who has any common sense at all can tell Magic Johnson wants to buy the Clippers. That's his girlfriend that's got that tape and flirting with old man and made the tape. I think this is all a put up deal on Magic Johnson's part to try to buy the LA Clippers at a reasonable price. Stop and think of it. It's his girlfriend. She taped it. They keep showing it, but they don't say nothing about he could have set this up his self. As I say, I don't condone what that man said. If he said it he should be barred from basketball, but I think Magic Johnson ought to be barred from anything like that if he set that up to try and buy them. Thank you.

'I don't wanna do that, but I will'

Yeah, about Congressman Boehner. I never liked him too much, but on this here immigration bill what he was talking about. "Oh, please, don't make do that. Please don't make me do that." His approval rating just went up 50 points for me. I tell you what I got a lot of respect for the man cause that's the way the Conservative Republicans are. "Oh, please, don't make me do that. I don't wanna do that, but if I have to I will." Thank you.
