Speak Out 5/8/14

Thursday, May 8, 2014

On trial in

South Africa

I don't know if anybody else has been watchin' that Bladerunner trial over in South Africa, but you know I've been to court a few times in my life time and sat in court for jury trials and stuff, but we're awful lucky here in Butler County and in the United States that we've got a court system the way we have. The prosecutors over there said they want to try and break him on the stand to prove he's guilty. I don't know if he's guilty or not, but I'm not on a jury anyway, but the thing about it is they're kinda like the British they put those little wigs on and wears a cape around 'em and stuff like that, but in South Africa at least they aren't wearing the little white wig, but I mean to get up and say you are gonna pressure a man on the witness stand until he breaks, you know, and the way they are questioning him and everything else. We're so lucky here in Butler County that we've got a court the way we do. It's set up so the lawyers don't get up and do all that stuff like that prosecutor done. I agree prosecutors go after 'em in Butler County, but we're so lucky that we're not on trial over there in South Africa. I wouldn't want to live over there. I watched that movie called Rake and that prosecutor puts me in the mind of Rake when he's in there trying to prove somebody guilty and half the time he's drunk or out with wild women, but I just wouldn't want to live over there under that British kind of deal they have got over there. I don't know if it's under British rule or not, but they sure act like it. Again, we're lucky. Thank you.

Reader misses

Woods column

Hello, Speak Out. I talked many times about articles in your paper which all in all are very good. There is one that I miss very much. I am 90 years old now and have always enjoyed Paul Woods' column--his sports column. He was always so interesting, which is different being I'm female. I've known Paul since he was a boy and know that he is a fine Christian man and always a gentleman. His column is greatly missed. Thank you.

DAR missed

this story

Way to go!

The DAR will not cover an 18-wheeler rolling over in Poplar Bluff, but the DAR will cover a story about a boy wantin' to play on a girls' hockey team. Way to go, DAR!