Speak Out 3/27/14

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Good job by

co. road crew

The Butler county commissioners and road crews did a great job during and after the March 2 ice and snow. They should be commended for a job well done.

Always easy to

blame Obama

This is in response to "Leave my wood fire alone." Well, I want 'em to leave my wood fire alone, too, cause I burn wood. I'm an old man and I like burning wood, but everything that comes down the pike anymore is Obama did this. I know Obama made all this old snow we had for all this winter and Obama made all this cold weather we've been having and he makes it rain when we don't need rain. He makes a drought when we need rain. He just does everything. He makes us do this. Makes us go without shoes. Do without food. Anything bad that comes down the pike it's Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama! I never heard the like in my life. I'll bet you if the truth be known and the man would put his name behind his thing he ain't no Democrat, he is a Tea Party Republican, you know. That's all I can say. Obama did this; Obama did that! If Republicans would get a life they are not encored. They want to be empowered. That guy McCain is all the time he lost the presidency but he still gripes and complains and wants to be president. The old goat wouldn't have made a good president if he had made it. You Republicans get a life. Pick on somebody else for a change. Remember that idiot that you had for a while? George W. Bush. And then, Ronald Reagan. He couldn't even set a horse on old Blackie when he played in Western movies. He's your saint! The saint couldn't even ride a horse. Get a life!