Speak Out 3/24/14

Monday, March 24, 2014

Thank you

Ozark Border

I would like to thank the hardworking people of Ozark Border. We've been through three major ice storms this winter and we have not lost electricity during any of it. Thank you.

So tax marijuana

Since everyone seems to be getting on the bandwagon to allow the sales of medical marijuana and even selling it for recreational use. Why don't the communities, the states, and even the federal government join in on the act? They say they're broke, so tax it. That's right. Communities could, say, like $100 an ounce tax on marijuana. The state could then add like a $1,000 a pound tax and then the federal government could add another, say, $500-$800 a kilo tax on marijuana and really pad the coffers for these wonderful other social welfare programs that they say we all got it have. Now, mind you, I don't believe in the use of medical marijuana, but if these people are going to push for it state by state by state decriminalizes it or legalizes it in their state why shouldn't the rest of the people benefit from those that get stoned. So, America, write your congressman, Write your senators, your state representatives -- tax the heck out of it. They do cigarettes. Just make sure that being that the federal government still considers it illicit tax it heavy enough that these that want to drive the point home to those who don't smoke it get the point driven back that we don't have to support their habits either.

They are

not voters?

Yes, Richardson and Cookson, our representatives for this district, say they are leaving the matter of voting for the Poplar Bluff R-1 school tax levy up to the voters. What? They are not voters? How can you not vote on such an important item on the ballot? Thank you.

What is the beef?

What is your beef with Doug Libla? He is a smart man and a good man and he is looking at all sides of an issue before taking a position, which is exactly what he should do. I notice that you don't take the hide off of either Cookson or Richardson for not taking a position on the R-1 issue. If you're gonna get on people about taking a position, you better do it to everybody.