Speak Out 2/20/14

Thursday, February 20, 2014


tells a tale

I think it's pretty pathetic when someone is running for public office yet there's four pages of lawsuits on CaseNet that they are involved in. If you think it is beneath you to obey traffic laws or if you think it is beneath you to pay your bills, but yet you want my vote because you are full of integrity. I don't know if you have a different definition of integrity than the one in the dictionary you might want to check it out. I think if your name is appearing that many times in a public document and you think that these charges, even if this is a past behavior, laws are meant to be followed. You are not so great that you are above the law. Check out CaseNet before you vote for someone. It does tell a little bit of a tale. Thank you.

Spend more

time in prayer

I am a Christian and well into my senior years and love my country and the standards and morals it was founded on now more than 200 hundred years ago. I am very disturbed by the news coverage and approval shown concerning the black football player announcing that he is gay as if that is something to be proud of. And, yes, even our President and so-called First Lady treating it as if he had done some heroic deed. Do they not know this type of thing is condemned and called sin? God gave us the Bible--His holy word for us to use as a guide or a rule book to live by. The more it is ignored and not adhered to the more our country is becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah, which was destroyed for its wickedness and is often mentioned in the Bible. We, as a country and individuals, need to spend more time in prayer and Bible study and not so much attention given to sports. Thank you.


and spend

You can't tell the Rhino Party from the Democrat Party any more. Did everybody notice how easily the Rhinos passed the debt ceiling again? Borrow and spend our taxes. Thank you.

Replace scorchin' bulbs

I want to tell you about these new light bulbs that we have that are fluorescent. They are a danger especially if they are made in China. Friday we kept smelling something that was scorchin' and we was concerned and didn't know what to do about it and my daughter had had this to happen to her in a lamp. It gets black at the bottom and it smells like something scorching. So if you have any of these or have had these and you smell that you need to replace them with a regular light bulb. It's a fire hazard. We have notified the fire department, both of the city and the county, and so anyway if you smell something scorchin' you need to replace 'em.

God bless

the Olympics

Yeah, the Olympic Games. Everybody loves them Olympic Games. I know I do. Summer or winter, it doesn't matter. They are all good. This is Sochi, Russia is really a good one. Not one of the greatest, but it is really good. The work they've done over there that stadium and everything else they've got over there is beautiful! It may not be finished yet, but it's beautiful. But my question is: why can't be have the Winter Olympics in the same country every year and then the Summer Olympics in one and winter in another city. The same ones every year and spend all that money and build one and use it and maintain it and the rest of these millions and billions of dollars for building them things every four years give it to the needy--feed the world with it. It's just a waste of money. They build all these big resorts for these Olympics and then have them just waste away to nothing. It'll never be that great again until they have a Winter Olympics there again. Build on big stadium like in Sochi and have the Winter Olympics there every year and the Summer Olympics somewhere else where it's nice and warm. Then all that other money they're gonna save donate it to the world for the needy and the hungry. Makes sense to me. I believe God would love it. Thank you. God bless America and God bless them Olympics. I hope nothing happens over there. Everybody pray for them. God bless. Bye.