Letter to the Editor

Meet Obama, our "liar in chief"

Friday, February 14, 2014

To the Editor

No so long ago in America, a President's feet were held to the fire by the media and Congress and he could get into some serious trouble by lying or doing something illegal. President Nixon resigned to avoid being impeached for lying about his involvement in the break-in of Democrat Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel. President Clinton lied to the American people about his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinski, and was impeached by the House of Representatives for lying under oath in the lawsuit brought against him by former girlfriend, Paula Jones. He kept his job only because the Democrat controlled Senate voted not to remove him from office.

How things have changed. With Barack Obama we have the biggest "liar in Chief" of all time in the White House. In his administration, lying is not the exception to the rule--it is the rule. Each day the hapless White House press secretary and "Nerd in Chief" Jay Carney is given his talking point lies and trotted out to take questions from the media, where he stutters and stammers for half-an-hour to explain them away. It's such a sad, pitiful sight that I almost feel sorry for him, but anyone who would take such a job doesn't deserve sympathy. But being the mainstream media and left-wing progressive movement in this country, Obama can do no wrong, so the media shamefully turns a deaf-ear to all the lies. Chris Matthews of MSNBC News probably still gets that same tingle up his leg when Obama speaks, as he claimed to have felt during the 2008 campaign. The lie President Obama repeated over and over to the American people about keeping your present health insurance under Obamacare did not earn him an award however. It was named "2013 lie of the year" by Pilitifact. But as with the lies that came from the White House denying that the attack on our embassy in Benghazi was a planned terrorist attack, which cost four Americans their lives including our Ambassador, Obama merely covers up the first lie with another, and then another to cover it, and on and on it goes until people have forgotten the first lie. This is not something new he invented himself, but a strategy that comes straight from the "Communist Manifesto."

Why wouldn't Obama be well-schooled in communist tactics? After all, his father was a communist; his grandparents who raised him were communists; his friend, mentor, and next door neighbor in Chicago, Williams Ayers, was a communist, a 1960s era radical and domestic terrorist, and a convicted felon who helped him raise money and plan his political campaigns in Illinois. Then there was his pastor of 20 years in Chicago, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright who spewed forth his racism and venomous hatred for America from his pulpit every Sunday morning. Of course Obama denied ever hearing him say such things and promptly threw him under his campaign bus.

It is uncanny to me how Barack Hussein Obama, once known as Barry Soetoro, whose place of birth and much of his past remains shrouded in mystery to this day, suddenly appeared on the political scene and got himself elected President of the United States, not once, but twice. Though his charm, oratory skill, power of persuasion, and his message of "hope and change" never resonated with me, as I suspected him of being a charlatan from the beginning, it apparently resonated with a majority of Americans in two presidential elections.

In my opinion, I believe that Barack Obama has been an unmitigated disaster for America. The full effect of all the damage he has done is yet to be felt. But as if he hasn't done enough damage already by destroying out economy and putting the nation trillions of dollars in debt, he is now blatantly, arrogantly, and illegally violating his Constitutional authority by by-passing Congress to further his socialist agenda and impose his will on the American people. Be that as it may, if President Obama could run a third time it would not surprise me if he were elected again. I say this because the majority of people pay little or not attention to politics and haven't a clue as to what is going on in their country. Obama would likely again win the minority vote, the labor union vote, the government employee vote, the welfare vote, the stupid vote (which included young voters who still think she's a cool dude) and last but not least, he would get the vote of staunch Democrats who would sooner vote for Adolph Hitler than cast their vote for a Republican candidate. These things will probably never change until people are foraging for food in dumpster. God Bless the USA.

Bill Cox

Fairdealing, Mo