Speak Out 2/7/14

Friday, February 7, 2014

Educate on

tax increases

City Manager and Council: Please educate the people in the tax increase. What is it for? Who gets the money? What are you using it for? How many years? City employees got their raises and benefits, what do we get? More excuses? Higher taxes? And higher bills. I was charged 80 cents tax on five dollars--have receipt. Do you need to educate business? Business in black; residence in red. Less services. Do we need more annexation and more money? We need all city council members at large. New faces. New ideas. Thank you, Speak Out. We do not understand. Increases all the time. Thank you. Bye.

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Hi, Speak Out. I want to express how very much we appreciated the Christmas decorations and the music at Kinyon School. Also for leaving it up and on past Christmas. Like so many we were busy and we almost forgot to go. Then, we liked it so much we took others and went back twice. Thank you to Smith & Co. for all the hard work. It was delightful, a real blessing and special thanks. I wish we had more businesses in the community who participated in the holidays. Please keep making it happen. Thank you.