Speak Out 10/28/13

Monday, October 28, 2013

Mr. Belknap was fine gentleman

I was a teenager back in the 50s and 60s when Mr. Belknap had Belknap Drugs downtown. I remember him. Well, I'll tell you I had fond memories of that place and him. I drank many a cherry coke and ate many a banana splits there in booth at Belknap's. I wish we had a place like that now. I wish we had more people like Mr. Belknap. It said in the paper he'll be truly missed. Well, this old man here, hasn't seen him in 20 years or more, but I sure miss him. He was a real fine gentleman and he'll be greatly missed by Poplar Bluff. And that Belknap Drugs --it was the place to be when I was a teenager. Thank you and God bless his family. God bless him.

Kick the can down the road

How many watching C-SPAN on this wonderful bargain that has been passed out in the Senate getting ready to be sent to the House just sets there and figures it's just more political show? Just one more kick the can down the road for a few months and then we go back to the same loggerheads we were at that started this nonsense. We need to ask why they stopped working for a full month in August instead of working for we, the people. Do you know the taxpayers have actually paid those buffoons in Washington? And, oh, these wonderful grand deals like the Corps of Engineers getting billions for a dam project on the Ohio River --30 year old dam project-- gee, I mean if it took them that long to build the Hoover Dam think what Nevada would have looked like. But, then, I'm regressing a little bit. It's politics just as it is. Politics for show. Nothing's really getting done to reign in our out of control government and we, the people, are nothing more than an open purse to be picked at their pleasure. What a shame! Have a good day.

Running out

of money

Has anybody noticed those idiots in Washington talk about social security running out of money, but they never talk about welfare running out of money? Had enough yet, folks? Thank you.

Haggling losers

Mitch McConnell sold out the Rhino Party for $2.9 billion dollars. That's what he got out of all the haggling that's what he got for State of Kentucky. What a bunch of losers! Thank you.