Letter to the Editor

Observations on Christian rock music

Saturday, October 26, 2013

To the Editor:

I have been heavily involved in gospel music for over 65 years and have more first hand knowledge about the subject than most.

Therefore, after being maligned for my opinion, I decided to do some more research and found that it is not just my opinion, but the absolute facts. The so-called "Praise & Worship", "Contemporary Christian", "Rock-Gospel" and others of similar kind are NOT what they claim to be.

They are exactly the opposite of Biblical, God-centered music. They are satanic from the very core and anyone, including pastors, who allow these forms of "music" into their church, are being deceived and divided just like Satan used music to deceive and divide the angels in Heaven.

Remember, it was God's MUSIC DIRECTOR, Lucifer, who took one-third of Heaven's angles with him. His tools haven't changed, but now his numbers have increased to include almost every "church" in Poplar Bluff and around the nation.

CAUTION! If YOU attend one of these "churches" you have been deceived and divided and it was done through your "LEADERS". God NEVER intended His Word to be watered down to be "inclusive" and ANY PASTOR who allows it in their church will answer to a Holy God. In the meanwhile, real Christians need to "come out from among them, and be separate from the world."

I include two references. They are rather long, but are worth reading.



Eldon Wright

Wappapello, Mo.