Speak Out 10/24/13

Thursday, October 24, 2013


to Obamacare

Yeah, I was just watching the news on Crossfire -- he don't like this here health care system that the Democrats have put forward and he's got ideas on how to take care of everything and how to stop this stuff pre-existing conditions and stuff like that. If you got a wife and she's got cancer, dump her! Get a divorce from her and throw her out to the dogs and get a nice, little young one, you know. He's got the answer because he did it twice. Thank you. Boy is he a hypocrite.


is dead wrong

Why is it when the government runs out of money, if has to come out of the senior citizens and now they're saying maybe the veterans won't get paid? Why is it that the welfare checks never run low? People in this country who have never worked a day in their life get more in food stamps than I get in a check each month and I worked 50 years to pay my way. Maybe, if we could quit paying people to sit on their butts and do nothing all day we senior citizens wouldn't have to pay the price. I know a disabled vet, 25 years with the United States Air Force and he gets $18 a month to live to eat on and there are people that get more than that in food stamps that have never worked a day. Something dead wrong with this country, my friends, dead wrong.

Mem. Gardens

going down

Hello. I was wondering if anybody knew what was going on with Memorial Gardens? Use to they kept it real nice and pretty, not any weeds, and I went out there the other day and the weeds are covering the headstones and I tried to pull out the weeds and they've got sand burrs in it and I know they use to spray poison around the headstones so the grass wouldn't grow up. So if anybody knows why they are not keeping it up I'd like to hear about it in Speak Out. And, I thank you letting me have my opinion. Bye-bye.