Letter to the Editor

Don't blame the tea party

Saturday, October 19, 2013

To the Editor

While shopping in Aldi's the nice woman behind me explained how hopefully the new "Affordable Health Care Act" Obamacare will make her monthly premiums of $800 go down. I wished her luck, but don't count on it. Her reply shocked me. "Those Tea Partiers are all to blame." What? She actually thinks the Tea Party, of which I am a member and strong believer in, has caused this trouble. I said, "You watch too much ABC, CBS, NBC & CNN. I'm a member and we believe we are taxed too much and work hard only to have our hard earned money taken and given to those who don't contribute. I've paid my own health insurance my whole life, no one has paid my premiums for me."

I wish I had told her to learn for herself exactly what the Tea Party is. Go to a meeting and see. The one I was a part of people would give ideas on how to share our concerns. It might be a billboard, newspaper article, yard signs, etc. Then each person would choose which they wanted to help support and write their check directly to the companies that would advertise. There wasn't a treasurer to collect money. The only think we collected was ideas on how to spread our conservative and constitutional views. Read about the Boston Tea Party and why the people did what they did. I'm sure that part of history if not deleted in the text books someone has rewritten the account.

I haven't had television for 17 years and I'm more information on the truth in government than those whose [sic] watch TV and read the newspaper. That's sad! Wake up Americans it's almost too late to save your freedoms & our country.

I am an American patriot, Bible toting, God fearing, right to carry and part of the "We the People."

Linda Cravens

Hiram, Mo.