Speak Out 9/25/13

Wednesday, September 25, 2013



You know the Congress of the United States has an unapproval rating --the world's record in history --people just don't like 'em, but now the Missouri legislature is getting to be the same way. They'd rather vote on something that don't mean nothin' -- a bill that may be a hundred years old and worthless -- so they can have a record than actually do somethin' that's good for the benefit of the people. You know our government is supposed to be for the people, by the people and for the good of the country and our state, but it's not no more it's for the good of the Republican Party, you know, or the Democratic Party whichever you are, but mostly the Republican Party. They don't care if something this country fell as long as it was good for the Republican Party they'd vote for it. Here, just like these ten overrides they made. They were nothin', but the wanted the bragging rights that they overrode the governor ten times. You know they're the ones that ought to ousted in the next election. This is absolutely ridiculous. We need to get rid of the Democratic and the Republican Parties and all the rest of the parties and just have it man on man-- Mr. Smith against Mr. Jones. That's the way elections should be anymore. It's just absolutely ridiculous. And, the Republican Party is the worst of all. Thank you.