Speak Out 8/28/13

Wednesday, August 28, 2013



Yeah, I was just listening the other day about that Oprah Winfrey in Switzerland about the handbag and I was reading today's paper about it. You know this tourism place said they apologized, the Swiss government apologized, the store owner apologized and then it goes on to say like it's Oprah Winfrey's fault like she lied about the whole thing the way I read the paper. Don't sound like much of an apology to me. Thank you. Bye.


and tragedy

There's a new documentary out on texting and tragedy. Everybody should see it. I doubt if everybody will, especially our Congress and in Missouri and in the United States. Where are our laws? What is the difference between texting and driving, drinking and driving, drugs and driving? The penalties should all be the same. They ought to have their license taken away. They ought to go to jail. What is the difference? They kill and maim. Same endings. Where are our representatives? I don't understand. I guess the Supreme Court, as hard-headed as they are, they probably say it's alright. They don't want to tread on anybody's rights. Nobody has the right to text and drive. Nobody! It's against the law so enforce it! It's not just okay to have a law, they've got to enforce it. There's nobody in this world who has to text and drive. There are places to pull in. Wake up, Congress and do something.