Speak Out 8/24/13

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Policing no

parking zones

If the police department is so anxious to come to Kroger's an get people parkin' in the "No Parking" zone, Monday through Saturday, they oughta come out on Sunday. They oughta come out Monday through Friday, they'd catch a lot of people parkin' in the "No Parking" zone.

Agree on city

worker issue

Hello. I want to thank the person who wrote in the Sunday, Aug. 11 in Speak Out about "City Worker Harassment." It's about time someone stood up for those people who risk their lives everyday and do a wonderful performance for our city and our citizens. I commend them and I never have felt that they don't deserve all that they get for the good jobs they do. Thank you again for writing that comment. I agree with you 100 percent. Thank you and good day.