Speak Out 1/7/13

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Indian lives again

I called a little earlier on the Indian. The Indian will live again and I just wanted to make sure I've got people who are gonna do it within a week weather permitting. We will have him painted, fixed and sealed and everything done. The paint has been donated. The labor's been donated, so that Indian lives again! This is by Getter Done Jim. Bye.

What about Wilcox Road?

City's gonna expand every road in town except Wilcox Road. It looks like a mud hole up here. But, nobody up here pays taxes. Thank you.

Not everyone was homeless

I was person that lived at Bluff Inn and I lived there for a year and a half and I paid my rent every month and I was still paying my rent when the bank foreclosed and would still be paying. I would have a home. I would had a home. Some of these people they were homeless, I agree. But not everybody was homeless. I just wanted that hopefully you'd put it in Speak Out that everyone that lived at Bluff Inn was homeless people. I feel sorry for them. I really do. Thank the Lord for the people of the coalition that is helping Poplar Bluff this time, but there are some people who just had enough money to pay for one month and they never paid another month. They were homeless 'cause some 'em had to leave--they didn't pay the rent there. But not everybody there was homeless. Thank you.