Speak Out 12/12/12

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Reason for

the season

I'm gonna speak out about this Black Friday thing. For one thing, why do they call it Black Friday? Why couldn't it be Blue Friday or something different beside Black Friday? Another thing, they jumped it on Thanksgiving. People's eatin' Thanksgiving dinner trying to celebrate Thanksgiving for being thankful for food we got and stuff and other people starving and then they jump this Black Friday in there and people are camped out at K-Mart and Walmart standing in line doing whatever when they should be home thankful for what they got. I felt like Thanksgiving was just knocked out. And another thing they should have waited and had it like this month. Like the first part of this month. I think it would have been better. And another thing, I sure hope Christmas comes to Poplar Bluff 'cause right now I'm not seeing too much just maybe here and there. But, I don't even see a nativity scene downtown none of that. It's all about lights and trees. No it ain't. It's about Christ being born and I think people really need to do something before it's too late because we got little kids walkin' around and lookin' but they don't see Jesus much. And, that's what it's all about--His birthday. It ain't about Santy Claus, it's about Jesus's birthday. I'm just saying I thought this holiday has been boomed through too fast. Always some. Seems likes it been boomed through by people gettin' in a rush and they're not really lookin' and thinkin' and that's, you know, how I feel. I'm just a little bit depressed, Poplar Bluff. And, I can't go out of town to see what you really . . . I mean you see other towns you see little stands set up with hot cocoa, hot dogs stands, popcorn stands, you see candy apple stands. Little novelty stands. You see little things through towns and it's beautiful. It's nice. That's what it's all about. You don't see that in Poplar Bluff. You don't see a carousel going around and little kids get on it and ride the ponies. You don't see that. You don't see nothing in Poplar Bluff like that. It's sad. It really is sad. And, you know, that's all I've got to say. And, merry Christmas. Put Christ in that first.