Letter to the Editor

Harviell man sounds off

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dear Sir:

In early February of this year I made my seventy-third lap around the Sun and I am proud to admit I have always loved my Country even though my wife has never been elected President of the United States. However, I am angry and abased as this President goes around the world apologizing to monarchs, villainous, warlords, and loathsome despots. An American bows to no man! This man who allegedly graduated from college and is brilliant according to Chris Matthews, didn't know how many states [sic] make up the United States, somehow ascertained that the police acted stupidly arresting one of his buds and didn't know the difference between corps and corpse. Furthermore, he is so smart he does not need to attend briefings on foreign affairs which may explain why he did nothing to secure our Embassies in the Middle East where buildings are being destroyed, an ambassador, soldiers and American citizens murdered, and the American flag burned and replaced by the Muslim terrorists' flag. How would you like your dead loved ones referred to as a "just a bump in the road"? The primary person responsible to securing these facilities and protection of American citizens would be Hillary Clinton. So as our little king fiddles the Middle East goes up in flames. To cover their blunders both he and she are blaming some obscure video developed by some obscure producer who was picked up by the new Gestapo in the middle of the night and ushered off to some torture chamber referred to as a jail. When asked about his obvious ineptitudes with foreign affairs the President once again demonstrated his mastery of that well known African dialect known as "Mumbo Jumbo". Also, there seems to be a very pungent odor geminating from the White House. It was first thought to be the fertilizing material Michelle was using in her garden. Not so. It turns out to be what Missouri farmers down in the Bootheel refer to as Barnyard Spread.

It is obvious that 98% of media have sold mind, body and soul to the Devil and Barak [sic] Hussein Obama. He will get 98 % of the Black vote (even though he ain't black) most union members, homosexuals, women who support abortion and free birth control, Hollywood liberals, college Professors, and hordes of indoctrinated college students. One more group you may not be aware of are the female and male Mexican farmers seeking reparations in the billions claiming they were racially discriminated against while God, (the same God Democrats wanted to evict from their Convention and all you gun tote'n, Bible cling'n patriots, in laws and outlaws and extended family to keep this little Caesar out of the White House.

Mr. Obama you have behaved "stupidly". Please clean House, take your [sic] wife and children and move to Cuba. As for the white house, you didn't build it so we the people are coming to take it back!

Ronald J. Browning

Harviell, Mo