Speak Out 8/15/12

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

They are

charging double

I am a concerned citizen and there's a loan company on the south end of Poplar Bluff that double charges for late charges. Everybody needs to look at their bill--their bills from that loan company because they're only supposed to charge $15 for late charge and not $30. You need to really check out your bills from that loan company.

Television just

a gossip rag

Can anyone out there tell me when TV stopped being informative and became a gossip rag? Every time a politician is asked a question and he doesn't answer it just the way the media thinks he should answer it, there's a big deal and we have to hear about it over and over and over all day and all night. If you don't want someone's opinion, don't ask them. It's plain and simple.

Choice, what

happened to it?

Whatever happened to freedom of choice in the United States of America? If you say anything at all against same-sex marriages, you're ostracized or just kicked out of everything and everybody's boycotting you. There's a lot of lifestyles I don't agree with. I don't agree with alcoholics, drug addicts, but that doesn't mean that I'm against them. It just means we have a different lifestyle. I don't care what anybody does, it's their choice, but I think we all should have a freedom of choice not just the gays. They can do what they want to do and I can do what I want to do. It's kinda like the mayor saying that all women should breast-feed their children or you can't buy 32-ounce soda. Our nation is in sad shape. Anyone who reads the Bible knows what's going on. It's terrible.