Speak Out 7/12/12

Thursday, July 12, 2012

US leadership

isn't Christian

We find once how immoral our leadership really is. It is no surprise to me that Mr. Obama is in favor of same sex marriage. Anyone that is in favor of late term abortion would be in favor of same sex marriage or anything else, no matter how immoral, if it may get votes. I don't know how anyone can think same sex marriage is all right. Why even dumb animals don't try to have sex with animals of the same sex. The way we are going I guess Mother's and Father's days will become He He or She She days. Our government keeps coming up with more and more give-away programs to people that won't work and to women who don't mind having more and more babies to get the government freebies. No matter they don't get married. Folks don't seem to realize the government is taking more and more control of their lives. Now they even tell us what we have to buy. These politicians need to be replaced with God fearing folks, if indeed there is any in politics. I don't see how anyone can call themselves Christians and vote for people in favor of these types of things.

We are going down the wrong road and I am sure God will not hold his peace forever. This country will pay a price for this type of leadership if we survive at all.

PB crime

like St. Louis

After reading the crime report for the city for Monday, this place is like St. Louis. Thank you.