Speak Out 5/27/12

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Stop shooting

in Inman Acres

Whoever that is shooting a shotgun in Inman Acres, it's time to stop!

The lazy no

good so & sos

Dear Speak Out: I don't like how people in this country sit around on their lazy good-for-nothing hind ends spending our hard earned tax dollars on beer and cigarettes and lottery tickets. It just galls me to no end and disgusts me. I think they need to get a job and get er done and start makin' somethin' of themselves. Thank you, Speak Out.

Cameras on trains would slow down


I was just reading in the paper about the local train going to Piedmont from Poplar Bluff with a city policeman on board watching people cross the crossings. Well, that's a good start! A very good start, but it needs to follow-up with start putting cameras on the front of them trains taking pictures of cars and people running a cross in front of them trains the way they do and then sending that driver a ticket. Once it gets around that them trains has got cameras on 'em things will slow down. It won't stop 'em all, but it will slow at lot of people down and they'll think twice before they try to beat that train. So, that's a good start, Poplar Bluff and State of Missouri, but follow-up and put cameras on them trains and take pictures --video pictures -- not just still pictures, but video pictures so you can get the license number and stuff and send that driver a ticket whether he be the city dump truck driver or who else. You're doin' a fine job. Keep it up. God bless everybody. Thank you.