Letter to the Editor

Jetton appointment is blatant cronyism

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

To the Editor:

I believe that they call this cronyism.

About one and a half years ago Rod Jetton (former Missouri House Speaker) was charged with felony assault for choking his date during a sexual encounter. There were allegations of further mischief and Rod slunk off in disgrace. Well, he has made a comeback thanks to one of his old Republican pals. State House Speaker Steven Tilley (R-Perryville) has decided that Rod needs to be back on the taxpayer's payroll. So he will co-chair the Blue Ribbon Citizens Committee on Missouri Transportation; I wonder how much that will cost us.

Now Missouri is a small state but surely there is someone, somewhere more qualified for this job than this sleaze ball. This is the same Steven Tilley that nominated Rush Limbaugh for the Hall of Famous Missourians.

Terry Baker

Qulin, Mo