Speak Out 5/18/12

Friday, May 18, 2012

AK 47s at

the Sale Barn?

I have a question for our city administrators, the city police and the Butler County Sheriff. When, and I again say when, has it become legal to sell assault weapons, pistols, rifles and other assorted sundries or weapons such as that at the Sale Barn? You heard me right--the Sale Barn. I think this needs to be looked into just as much as when they were selling the dogs and that down there illegally. So, just a heads up to our administrators here in this fine county, but I think something fishy going on out there when you see an AK-47 and other things from Uzis and the like being sold on tables. It really makes your head turn. And mind you, these are not replicas­--they are functioning weapons. They wouldn't be selling the ammo for it if they weren't. Just another little black eye for Butler County, huh?

Stay out

of my life!

A few years ago my sainted mother of 94 years passed away. Don't feel sorry for me. The people I feel sorry about is the remaining sisters and family members that live here in this wonderful town they call The Bluff that are spreading lies and rumors and innuendo about how our family tried to cheat, lie and steal the home away from my own mother when my two greedy sisters went behind my mother's back in years prior and with the help of the mother's lawyer basically bamboozled the home right out from under her so she couldn't give it to me and my wife per her wishes. That's right, her wishes. But yet they continue to talk, snip and gripe because of things that happened in our fine town. I have only one aunt left who even speaks to me and now even finding out people are griping because she occasionally takes us out to dinner. What a fine Christian act of this woman to do. Me and my wife are both on disability and we return the favor when we can, but it is the kindness of that fine aunt that will remain nameless that is making such a furor. So I will say this in ending. People, please. I stay out of your lives, stay out of mine. If you want to raise a ruckus stir your own poop and stay out of my bathroom, would ya? I don't spread lies about you. Please stop it about me and my wife. Thank you.


energy a bust

In a recent study that has come out about energy use in America, we're, finally, now starting to see some results in the alternative energy groups such as wind, solar and many of the other ones they call green technologies and the actual percentage of online reliability of these sources of energy in America. And, some amazing statistics are coming out. Wind power--reliable, 12 percent of the time; solar -- even less than that. And yet our government is trying to pin our hopes of getting away from reliable sources such as coal, natural gas and atomic power, which are all up in the 99+ percentile on reliability.

Now if you're a business man are you going to hang a wind farm outside your business to produce the energy you need that you hope 12 percent of the time or are you actually going to hope for something a little bit more reliable to pin your hopes on? Reliable energy, particularly for all Americas, when you want to plug in your computer and do your wash and the like. For years they have been saying do your heavy laundry late in the evening when you're in the down cycle, which is understandable, but alternative energy is starting to prove to be a bust. True. We need all forms of energy to be in the mix, but pinning our hopes on just all green energy is kinda like, I hate to use the term "blowing in the wind" so to speak. Think about it.