Letter to the Editor

Bluff City Shows claims discrimination

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

To the Editor:

In reading the opinion page in May 1 in the D.A.R. concerning the power and unfairness of city hall, mainly the city manager's office Doug Bagby, I can relate to Mr. Becker's concerns. My name is Delmar Giles, I own and operate the Bluff City Shows a carnival organization. A few years ago, I had a difference of opinion with the city concerning the operation of my carnival, even though we had all the state permits for Mo., Ark., and La. The city called a special meeting to adopt new conditions (more to their liking) with rules and regulations on the operation of a carnival, even though we passed those rules and regulations I was told by City Manager Doug Bagby that he would not issue a permit to operate Bluff City Shows in Poplar Bluff, either on city or private property. Other carnivals can obtain a permit, Bluff City Shows is denied a permit.

I for one know what it's like to be discriminated against.

Delmar Giles

Bluff City Shows

Fisk, MO