Speak Out 3/28/12

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It'll end up

being Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush. That's the second time I've called you. There's gonna be a big surprise in Tampa this year. Watch what I'm sayin'. I predict they will nominate Jeb Bush when the rest of them don't have enough votes to carry 'em over the election to be nominated. They will nominate and draft Jeb Bush. Watch what I tell ya.

City workers

and seat belts

I read in the paper that the Poplar Bluff Police Dept. was going to start giving out a lot more tickets to the people who do not have their seat belts on.

I think the police should start with the city of Poplar Bluff employees.

You can drive through town any day of the week and look at the city employees in city vehicles and none of them have their seat belts on. This includes the Municipal Utilities and city cable, the water dept., the street dept. I will say that the policemen wear their belts. They are setting a good example.

A citizen that wears his seat belt.

And a casino

as well...wow!

Yeah, is it true Ryan Kizer is gonna get us a casino here, too? Man, that guy's got a big heart!