Speak Out 3/12/12

Monday, March 12, 2012

Are you


Christianity and Judaism already promote peace, harmony and tolerance in America and elsewhere. Why do we need a third social structure that is totally different? A third political structure, another civilizational proponent to make things better. You know what I'm referring to--Islam and Muslim. Do you think people want to come to America to live under Sharia Law? Under Islam? People want to emigrate to America because life is more free. When Islam settles in cities and countrysides, Papas and Mamas want their daughters to dress as Muslims are supposed to. Muslim daughters are known to be killed if they try to dress like Americans, date boys and do American things. Why? Because Muslims want to establish Islam. Muslim clerics are often the leaders in this. Are you not listening when an American judge ruled that case be settled according to Sharia Law as was recently done? Are you not listening when, in Canada, a man and the younger of his two wives, killed his oldest wife and his three daughters? Even if a Muslim cleric is lenient and easy going, it is Islams aim to eventually rule over America and so it must have a presence in our communities to do so. Being an easy going Muslims such as letting your daughters get college degrees means that these gals will be able to get jobs that are important. They can become advisors to American officials. They can become office workers in important posts. A Muslim man can become a psychiatrist and then be ignored by army officials and then one day buy a pistol, go down where army personnel are being processed to go to a Muslim country and begin firing and then the case can be treated as work-place violence. Are you listening? Do you want to be deceived? As a TV ad says, "Don't be a dummy. Laugh at gay marriage, but don't play funny with your country." This is not printed at government expense. I might have to pay. Thank you.