Speak Out 2/27/12

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thanks for

being honest

Thank you, thank you whoever found my debit card in Aldi's parking lot and turned it in to the office. I'm grateful to you and for being so honest. I don't know who you are, but thank you!

Unhappy postal service customer

Yeah, I don't think we need a postal service 'cause if they can close down at quarter to five and you don't get off until 4:30 p.m., then you gotta run like the devil to get there and when you get there they're already closed. Up in Kansas City and St. Louis either one, they're open until six o'clock. That's make a big difference in the postal service. I can see why they're wantin' to close the post office, it's a good, good reason. Thank you.

Are you standing in the gap?

There are Christians seeking safety in the United States, says an AP article in the DAR for Nov. 13. Since Islam is a religion of peace, why? Oliver North in DAR, Feb. 6th, says Salman Rushdie withdrew from attending Indian's Jaipur Literature Festival because Muslim Organizations threatened bloodshed. Since Rushdie published Satanic Verses, he has been under a fatwah from Iran and has received many death threats. Islam is a religion of peace. I know what the Satanic Verses are, do you? So Muslims are coming to America to get away from that crap. You know coming to a place where there is peace on earth, goodwill toward men. What's to keep the same above crap from going on over here? Are you standing in the gap? Unless you do something, what will we do? We're just going to look into the lunch box of a four-year-old kid to see if she has enough chicken nuggets to have a balanced meal in order to keep her bowels regular. aren't we? Thank you.

Stop dogs from running loose

Speak Out, we are tired of people turning their five dogs out to do their business in all the neighbors' yards. Some of us have children and we don't appreciate having to clean off their shoes from sticking in stuff. Can't they be arrested for allowing their dogs to run loose? I can understand that they might get loose once in a while, but this is every day.