Speak Out 12/16/11

Friday, December 16, 2011

Let's just do it!

I'm speaking out about President Obama giving our tax money to support the gays and lesbians of the world. We pay good tax money so it can be spent in the United States and it is not being spent in the United States. I think the people of the United States knows what needs to be done in the 2012 election. People, let's just do it! This get this man out of office before he ruins the entire world. Thank you.

Can't have it both ways, guys

Democrats can't have it both ways. This tax increase that they are arguing about over Social Security; that they are screaming that the Republicans are going to raise your taxes. Well, guess what? That's for Social Security. A program that they have been screaming about. They want to save Social Security. Guess what, guys? It's one of their keystone programs that they have just absolutely been stomping, screaming and yelling about that they want to save. They can't have it both ways, guys. They want to take it out of the backsides of the rich and yet all the middle-class are gonna be soaked. Oh, soaked, so much. Well, guess what, people? If the middle-class can't, can't, mind you, give a little, just a "smidg" to Social Security, which (guess what?) they're gonna get back when they retire. That's right. When they retire and then some. That's right. And, then some. By golly, who's gonna begrudge it. By golly, I sure would give it. You're right. I'm gonna give it. So, go ahead, people, fall for this class warfare trick of the Democrats, but they're gonna do it anyway. It's just another trick, but, then again, what else can they do? Just another trick out of the old grab bag, but they're full of them, aren't they, people? But, then again, politics is a politics does. Now, isn't it?

Freeze welfare and insurance

I read in the Monday, Dec. 5, 2011, Speak Out that someone else is having a problem with insurances just like myself. I have contacted our State Representative Todd Richardson's office. The lady, Cindy, turned me over to the State Insurance office to Carol Harden. I also contacted Jo Ann Emerson's office, Claire McCaskill's office with no response at all. Everybody wants to try and get me a cheaper supplement and Part D for drugs. Then, I was finally able to talk to Todd Richardson and we had a discussion on my problem. He, in turn, contacted Jo Ann Emerson's office. I only wanted a freeze on insurances when we don't even get a raise in Social Security. There is many poor working class people who feel the same way. They won't put a freeze on insurances, but they, but I mean, Congress and lobbyists can freeze anything else they want to except welfare and Medicaid. This article will never go to the right people. They want the poor working class people to die away and be forgotten. I pray something will be done and you print this, please.

Icons of greed

We have two new icons of greed. Albert Pujols and his even greedier agent. Anybody who can't live in a town who loves him for $220 million, which is more than 90-some percent of Americans will make in their entire working career should have no sympathy from anybody. That's greed beyond belief!

God is not happy

I definitely agree with this country going crazy. I thought the same thing about the comic strip with the naked behind of the teen boy. Comics are not even funny anymore. Commercials on TV are getting plum nasty; half of them having something to do with sex. No wonder our kids are growing up too fast. The things they see and hear are pitiful. Don't you know God is not very happy?

Love not hate

I was at a religious gathering recently and an elderly lady, very vehemently, said she would not vote for Mitt Romney because Mormons do not serve in the country's military and never fought in any war and they refuse to support their government. Well, a.) Christians shouldn't really be doggin' other Christians. If you really were a Christian, but when your heart is full of hate you can't let it spill out. #2. That's a lie. Mormons are very well represented in the armed forces. Many Mormons make careers in the armed services and they do go to war. You might be surprised, Mrs. Know-it-All, the number one religious preference group in today's U. S. Military is "No Religious Preference" because of people are so full of hatred and hypocrisy and everything is doom and gloom in their lives. You have really turned off today's young people in a large number to your religious preferences. It's because of people who are so obviously angry at the world and go around with a big, ole sour look on their face and nothing brings them joy. Why would anybody want to join your group? The number two group in the armed services is Catholics and number three being Baptists, but these are mostly the Catholics are the younger people. The Baptists are the older people. The young people coming into today's military -- you'll see over and over N.R.P. because of the fine job that all of these churches locally and nationally are doing. You hate this person. You hate that person. I hate Obama. I hate Mitt Romney. I hate. I hate. That's all these young people that's the only message that your generation is getting across is "I hate!" Wow! Jesus would pretty surprised 'cause I'm pretty sure His message was "Love!" If you could only practice what you sit in the pew and sing about a couple of times a week or what you pretend to know about. Wouldn't this be in the season of Jesus' birth and peace on earth and goodwill towards men and put a smile on your old face for once.

Listen to people

I noticed in the paper about all the road projects that are gonna get going here. I didn't see anything about Wilcox Road. I guess we're gonna have to elect some people who will listen. When is that next election? Thank you.