Speak Out 12/14/11

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How much is

too much?

Yes, I read in yesterday's paper about how, I'm a little confused about whether it's the City of Poplar Bluff or the county--Butler County, but how they were over budget for the year, but it was okay because the cost override was gonna be paid out of the "Reserve Account" of something around the nature of $7,000,000. The question is, "How much is too much?" Shame on you. Since Poplar Bluff is part of Butler County, shame on you, Butlera County. You've got, what is it the Juvenile Detention Center, that will go out of existence because of lack of funding at the end of this month. Shame on you! Absolutely, shame on you! This is ridiculous! Let's pay for it out of this reserve account. And, you are always asking us for contributions for this charity or that charity. How about Butler County kicking in, oh, I don't know, $100, 000, $500,000. I think they can afford it, don't you? Thank you.

Unions are not communists

I'd like to respond to your thing in the Speak Out. You wrote, "No Sympathy for the NBA." Well, I'm a union member and I've been a union member for 33 years and whoever wrote that, I don't believe I'm a Communist. I send my kids to school, make good money, but I work for my money, so whoever is writing this about unions being Communists they don't have a clue! Thank you.

Can't have

it both ways

Democrats can't have it both ways. This tax increase that they are arguing about over Social Security; that they are screaming that the Republicans are going to raise your taxes. Well, guess what? That's for Social Security. A program that they have been screaming about. They want to save Social Security. Guess what, guys? It's one of their keystone programs that they have just absolutely been stomping, screaming and yelling about that they want to save. They can't have it both ways, guys. They want to take it out of the backsides of the rich and yet all the middle-class are gonna be soaked. Oh, soaked, so much. Well, guess what, people? If the middle-class can't, can't, mind you, give a little, just a "smidg" to Social Security, which (guess what?) they're gonna get back when they retire. That's right. When they retire and then some. That's right. And, then some. By golly, who's gonna begrudge it. By golly, I sure would give it. You're right. I'm gonna give it. So, go ahead, people, fall for this class warfare trick of the Democrats, but they're gonna do it anyway. It's just another trick, but, then again, what else can they do? Just another trick out of the old grab bag, but they're full of them, aren't they, people? But, then again, politics is a politics does. Now, isn't it?